Past Perfect

Question: What had she already done when you arrived?

Incorrect answer :( Remove the last word.

Use these words to answer:

She finished already I homework when her had arrived

In English, the "Past Perfect" tense is used to talk about actions or events that happened and were completed before another action or point in the past. To form a sentence in the Past Perfect, you need two main components: the subject and the past participle form of the verb.

Regular Verbs:

For regular verbs, you simply add "-ed" to the base form of the verb to create the past participle. For example, "talk" becomes "talked." So, if you want to say that an action was completed in the past before another past action, you can use this structure.


I had talked to my friend before she left.

Irregular Verbs:

However, keep in mind that there are also irregular verbs in English, and they don't follow the same "-ed" pattern. For these verbs, you need to learn their specific past participle forms because they can be quite different from the base form.


She had gone to the store before it closed.

By using the Past Perfect tense, you can clearly show the sequence of past actions and emphasize which one happened before the other.

  • She had already eaten breakfast before I woke up.
  • We couldn't find our keys because they had disappeared.
  • He was very tired because he had worked all day long.
  • By the time we arrived, the movie had already started.
  • They had finished the project before the deadline.
  • She felt guilty because she had forgotten her friend's birthday.
  • He had never traveled by train before, so the experience was new to him.
  • When I checked the fridge, all the food had spoiled.
  • They had just left when we arrived at their house.
  • By the time we reached the beach, the sun had set.

Base Form Simple Past Past Participle
go went gone
eat ate eaten
buy bought bought
see saw seen
come came come
take took taken
drive drove driven
do did done
make made made
write wrote written
read read read
wear wore worn
see saw seen
take took taken
go went gone
eat ate eaten
buy bought bought
see saw seen
come came come
take took taken
drive drove driven