Past Simple

Question: When did she visit her grandparents?

Incorrect answer :( Remove the last word.

Use these words to answer:

She visited grandparents last her weekend

In English, we often use the "Past Simple" tense to talk about actions or events that happened and were completed in the past. To make a sentence in the Past Simple, you usually need to change the verb. For regular verbs, you just add "-ed" to the base form of the verb. For example, "talk" becomes "talked."

  • I talked to my friend yesterday.
  • She studied for her exam last week.

But there are also irregular verbs that don't follow the same pattern. For these verbs, you need to learn the specific changes they make. For instance, "go" becomes "went."

  • He went to the store this morning.
  • They saw a movie last night.

Remember, when you use the Past Simple, the time when the action happened is in the past, and the action is finished.

So, to make a sentence in the Past Simple:

  • For regular verbs, add "-ed" to the verb.
  • For irregular verbs, learn the specific changes.

Keep practicing, and you'll get better at using the Past Simple tense!

  • I visited my grandparents last weekend.
  • She studied English for two hours yesterday.
  • They watched a movie at the cinema yesterday.
  • He traveled to Paris last summer.
  • We cooked dinner together last night.
  • The company launched a new product last month.
  • They visited the museum last week.
  • She finished her homework before dinner.
  • He played soccer with his friends yesterday.
  • I met Jane at the party last Saturday.

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle
go went gone
eat ate eaten
buy bought bought
see saw seen
come came come
take took taken
drive drove driven
do did done
make made made
write wrote written
read read read
wear wore worn
see saw seen
take took taken
go went gone
eat ate eaten
buy bought bought
see saw seen
come came come
take took taken
drive drove driven